Saturn: A planet of distress and bliss

Saturn: A planet of distress and bliss. 

Saturn- A-planet -of-distress-and-bliss
Saturn: A planet of distress

Introduction of saturn in vedas

Shani Dev's father is Surya and mother is Chhaya Devi. His wife is Neela Devi or Dhamini and his siblings are Yamraj, Yamuna, Vaivasvat Manu, Savarni Manu, Karna, Sugriv, Revanta, Bhadra, Bhaya, Nastya, Dasra, Revanta and Tapti and Manda and Neela are considered his children. There are different opinions in Vedas about Shani Dev's birth. According to some texts, Shani Dev's birth is considered to be on the new moon day of Jyeshtha month. According to other opinions, Shani Dev's birth is considered to be on the new moon day of Bhadrapad month. Shani Jayanti is celebrated on the day of Vaishakh Amavasya in South India. Shani Dev's favorite deities are Mata Dakshinakali and Kaal Bhairav ​​himself. His colour is Krishnakali. (Black including dark blue) Yamaraja, the presiding deity of Saturn, Prajapati, Kashyap gotra, Shudra, Saurashtra, Chaturbhuj, Chaturbhuj, Lord of the west direction, black coloured snake figure, iron idol form, donkey or crow vehicle, Kurma avatar, sandalwood, musk, black coloured flowers, incense, black agaru etc. are the favorite homa samidhas performed with Shami wood. Roasted black rice and black sesame seeds are offered in the sacrifice.

Why does Shani increase troubles? 

Shani is considered to be an important deity among the nine planets. God has placed him in the galaxy in the form of a planet to give the results of the karmas (actions) of the living beings of the universe. The responsibility of giving results to the living beings according to their good and bad karmas ( actions) rests on his shoulders. In this sense, Shani Dev is like a judge sitting in the court who gives the verdict of the karmas of the living beings. As a result of good deeds of the living beings, he makes them painless and takes them to heights and as per bad deeds, he becomes the creator of the destiny of the living beings by becoming painless and free from attachment and extreme pain and severe test. Shani Dev works to make the living beings regretful and follow God and spirituality in poverty by giving painful results of bad deeds and is known as the planet that gives auspicious results if one is hardworking and inauspicious results if one is lazy. If any living being is getting inauspicious result of bad deeds, then Shani Dev himself is not at fault in this, but he has to give such results so that the difference and realization of good and bad remains forever because getting auspicious result to both the doers of good and bad deeds becomes an act of injustice and against religion.

Saturn's Sadesati and Dhaiya

When Saturn is in the 12th, 1st and 2nd place from the person's moon sign, then it is considered to be Saturn's Sadesati. The duration of Sadesati is about seven years and two months. As a result, the person has to face troubles. If Saturn is in the fourth or eighth place from the moon, then it is called Dhaiya. The effect of Sadesati lasts for seven years and the effect of Dhaiya lasts for two and a half years. Saturn stays in each sign for two and a half years. If Saturn is in the twelfth house, then the two and a half years are called Saturn's Drishti. If it is in the birth sign, then the time of two and a half years is called 'Bhog'. The second place is two and a half years and is called 'Shani Ki Laat'. That is, during Sadesati, Saturn stays on the eyes, stomach and feet and accordingly, it affects the native.

Saturn's phase consideration-

Saturn is not always inauspicious or harmful. Saturn also provides amazing progress in a person's life. In this regard, the scriptures say. If Saturn is situated at 1/6/11 at the time of birth, then it is called Suvarnapad, if it is at 2/5/9 then it is called Rajatpad, if it is at 3/7/10 then it is called Tamrapad and if it is at 4/8/12 then it is called Lohpad. In gold it is auspicious and provides all happiness, in Rajatpad it gives good fortune, in Tamrapad it gives ordinary results and in Lohpad it indicates loss of money. Therefore, every person should think about Saturn peacefully and patiently. Generally, the effect of Sadhesati comes three times in a person's life. The first Sadhesati affects education and parents. The second part of Sadhesati affects work, business and financial matters but the third Sadhesati has the most adverse effect on health.

Shani Mantra and related topics-


1-Om Aim Hreem Shanishcharaya
2-Om Sham Shanishcharaya Namah
3- Om Praam Preem Praom Sah Shanaishcharaya Namah.

[ Chanting number- 10000 ]

Goddess Dakshinakali, pre-devata Yamraj, pratyadidevata Prajapati, Kashyap gotra, Shudra, Saurashtra, four-armed, four legged, west direction, black coloured snake figure, iron idol, donkey vehicle, Kurma avatar, sandalwood, musk, black coloured flower, incense, black agaru, samidh shami, black cow (in absence of any), sacrifice of roasted black rice and black sesame seeds.

Special remedies for Saturn-

Worship Maa Kali and Shani Dev with black sesame oil and blue Aparajita flowers on Saturday evening. Give money to snake charmers for snake milk. Donate black sesame oil, black urad dal, iron, black clothes, black leather shoes, black umbrella, tawa, tongs at dusk on Saturday when it is dark. Offer liquor in Bhairav ​​temple. Feed buffaloes food made of black brinjal. Help a cobbler, blacksmith or a barber with money. Put eight nails on a castor plant on eight Saturdays. Donate a shadow vessel of sesame oil in an iron bowl on eight Saturdays. On the eighth Saturday bury that iron vessel in the soil near the root of a tree. Avoid intoxicants, alcohol, meat, fish. Feed crows things made of black sesame on Saturday. Do not shy away from hard work. Give up laziness. Do not leave today's work for tomorrow. Stay away from sinful acts.

When is Saturn inauspicious?

On taking products made of iron, leather etc. for free. On eating liquor, kebabs, meat, fish etc. On killing snakes. On not giving the rights of a labourer. On digging the foundation of a house at night. On lighting the last dark room of the house. On being lazy. On not waking up before sunrise. On being lazy and not working hard. On leaving today's work for tomorrow. On hurting someone. On harassing or killing crows or black ants. On being lazy or not working. On being useless. On harassing animals, birds and creatures. On having a harsh or bitter tongue. On hating others and not loving them. On having a crooked mind. On harassing elders. On causing pain.

Donation of Saturn in Vedas-

Donate black urad dal, sesame oil, sapphire (in the absence of which one and a quarter rupees), black sesame seeds, buffalo (in the absence of which eight cowries or one and a quarter rupees), iron, black clothes and food items made of black sesame seeds along with dakshina and mantra. Mantra- Om Aim Hreem Shanishcharaya. Chanting number- 10000, Goddess Dakshinakali, Adhidevata Yamraj, Pratyadhidevata Prajapati, Kashyap gotra, Shudra, Saurashtra, four-armed, four-legged, west direction, black coloured snake figure, iron idol, donkey vehicle, Kurma avatar, sandalwood, musk, black coloured flower, incense, black agaru, samidh shami, black cow (in the absence of which one and a quarter rupees), sacrificed roasted black rice and black sesame seeds.

About Saturn-

Saturn is known as the planet that gives results of karma and is impotent. When auspicious, it is considered to be a very pleasant planet and when inauspicious, it is considered to be a cruel and painful planet. Its day is Saturday. Uttarbhadrapada, Pushya, Anuradha are its three nakshatras. It is exalted in Libra and its lowest position is Aries. Venus and Mercury are its friendly planets.
